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Activity title

Environmental Regulation on Energetic Systems and its Impact on Critical Munitions Materials and Capability

Activity Reference




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Awaiting Publication

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End date



Environmental, Green Munitions, Munitions


Regulations are being introduced and intensified for the management and use of materials hazardous to the environment. These regulations will affect the availability of energetic components for munitions and require that data are generated to manage use and disposal. It will also affect the choice of new materials for future application. Critical examination of the impact of these regulations is essential to ensure that NATO has the equipment to meet future needs and will develop the technological base for future munitions in all NATO and NATO related countries.


The activities of AVT 293 amongst others have highlighted many of the issues including materials which are critical for capability. These need to be further examined and discussed, and the RWS is intended to explore these further through broad-based discussion and review. .


Review regulations (existing and possible future developments) across NATO and partners Discuss impact and R&D developments with active bodies (industry, academia, institutes and regulatory bodies) Identify short term critical materials for immediate action and critically examine the action being taken. Assess existing research activities for options for compliance with planned regulation Assess the applicability of modelling and simulation to predict toxicity and possible future issues. . Critical examination of data to satisfy regulations

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